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3 semester sample schedule Spring SCH-MGMT 604, Financial Accounting & Reporting 6 credits Summer SCH-MGMT 607, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals & Corpora

3 semester sample schedule

Spring SCH-MGMT 604, Financial Accounting & Reporting 6 credits

SCH-MGMT 607, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals & Corporations

SCH-MGMT 608, Corporate Governance, Risk Attestation and Attestation Services

3 credits

3 credits


SCH-MGMT 606, Strategic Cost Management

*SCH-MGMT 615, Ethics & Professional Responsibilities of Accountants 

3 credits

3 credits

Spring Begin MS Accounting program  

* SCH-MGMT 615 is an MSA course. These credits will be transferred to your graduate academic record if you obtain a B grade or better.


4 semester sample schedule

Spring SCH-MGMT 604, Financial Accounting & Reporting 6 credits

SCH-MGMT 697TX, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals & Corporations

3 credits


SCH-MGMT 697SC, Strategic Cost Management

3 credits

Spring SCH-MGMT 697RA, Corporate Governance, Risk Attestation and Attestation Services 3 credits


4 semester sample schedule

Fall SCH-MGMT 604, Financial Accounting & Reporting 6 credits

SCH-MGMT 697RA, Corporate Governance, Risk Attestation and Attestation Services

3 credits


SCH-MGMT 697TX, Federal Income Taxation of Individuals & Corporations

3 credits

Fall SCH-MGMT 697SC, Strategic Cost Management 3 credits


To qualify for financial aid, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits per semester.

You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to be accepted into the MS Accounting program.  No exceptions will be made. A separate application is required for the MSA program.
If you wish to meet and review your courses to ensure you will meet all of the degree requirements, please schedule an appointment here.