A prestigious Isenberg asset--the Morningstar CISDM Database--will now be offered by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School's internet-based data research service, Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). The Isenberg database, managed by the school's Center for International Securities and Derivatives Markets, tracks qualitative and quantitative information for more than 6,000 hedge funds, funds of funds, and commodity trading advisors (CTAs). Morningstar CISDM also includes a database that provides robust information on 13,000 inactive funds.
"CISDM is pleased to have its database available through WRDS, the premier platform for empirical, academic research," observes Hossein Kazemi, a professor of finance at Isenberg and CISDM's director. "CISDM's mission is to promote research in the area of alternative investments and this partnership is an important step in making our database available to an expanded audience of researchers and practitioners."