Isenberg faculty members have been placing papers in top publications and bringing home prestigious awards. Here's a sampling of their accomplishments:FALL 2019 AWARDSAnna Nagurney was nomin

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Isenberg faculty members have been placing papers in top publications and bringing home prestigious awards. Here's a sampling of their accomplishments:


Anna Nagurney was nominated for the 2020 Harold Larnder Prize given by the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS), based on her outstanding contribution to the field of operations research. Nagurney has been invited to deliver the 2020 Harold Larnder Memorial Lecture at the annual CORS meeting in Toronto in June.


Bradley Baker had an article accepted by Sport Management Review: "Rethinking Segmentation within the Psychological Continuum Model using Bayesian Analysis" focuses on why and how consumer attitudes form and change [written with J. Du, M. Sato, and D.C. Funk].


Priyank Arora and Senay Solak were awarded the 2019 Public Service Endowment Grant by UMass Amherst for their project entitled, “Improving Access and Equity for the Massachusetts Childcare Subsidy Voucher System.”

Melissa Baker’s paper, “Becoming cynical and depersonalized: The impact of customer incivility, frequency, and coworker support on employee job performance,” was a best paper finalist at the Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference in Melbourne, Australia.

Marta Calas and Linda Smircich were given the Rosa Luxemburg Award from the International Critical Management Studies Organization in June for their outstanding contribution to critical studies of management and organization.

Elizabeth Miller received Outstanding Reviewer Award from Journal of Public Policy & Marketing in June.

Miller and Kaeun Kim (PhD ’19) had their paper, “The effect of nutrition claim location on nutrient content estimates and perceived healthiness,” receive an honorable mention for Brenda Derby Award (given for best paper with a PhD student author) at the 2019 Marketing & Public Policy Conference in June.

George Milne received the 2019 Thomas C. Kinnear Award. The Journal of Public Policy & Marketing has awarded the 2019 Thomas C. Kinnear Award to “Mindfulness: Its Transformative Potential for Consumer, Societal, and Environmental Well-Being” which appeared in its September 2016 issue (Vol. 35, No. 2). The article was authored by a team that also included Shalini Bahl, Spencer M. Ross, David Glen Mick, Sonya A. Grier, Sunaina K. Chugani, Steven S. Chan, Stephen Gould, Yoon-Na Cho, Joshua D. Dorsey, Robert M. Schindler, Mitchel R. Murdock, and Sabine Boesen-Mariani. Named after the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing‘s founding editor, Thomas C. Kinnear, the award honors articles that make the most significant contribution to the understanding of marketing and public policy issues within a three-year time period.

Milne was also recognized with the 2019 Journal of Consumer Affairs Best Paper Award, which went to his paper, “Development of a Value Co‐Creation Wellness Model: The Role of Physicians and Digital Information Seeking on Health Behaviors and Health Outcomes,” which was also authored by Andrew J. Dahl and James W. Peltier.

Anna Nagurney was elected a 2019 Fellow of Network Science Society at a ceremony at the NetSci Conference in Burlington, Vermont, on May 29. She was cited for “sustained contributions to network science, including the formulation, analysis, and computation of solutions to engineered network systems, from congested urban transportation to supply chains, under varied decision-making behaviors.”

Nagurney has been selected as a 2020 IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies) Distinguished Lecturer and will deliver her lecture at the CLAIO conference that will take place in Madrid, August 31-September 2, 2020. Previous IDL lecturers have included the chancellor of MIT and the Nobel laureate John Nash.

Nefertiti Walker was awarded the distinction of Research Fellow for the North American Society for Sport Management.




Chris Agoglia & Bradley Bennett had their paper accepted into The Accounting Review:  “Managing the Auditor-Client Relationship Through Partner Rotations: The Experiences of Audit Firm Partners” (May 2019) [written with Mary Kate Dodgson and Jeffrey R. Cohen]. 

Orhan Akisik and Graham Gal had a paper accepted into Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (an SSCI-indexed publication with a 2018 impact factor of 1.745): "Integrated Reports, External Assurance and Financial Performance: An Empirical Analysis on North American Firms."

Melissa Baker had two journal publications in the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management:Value destruction in online reviews: The effects of language, emotions, and trustworthiness,” and “Observer reactions to other customer incivility: Emotional labor, gratitude, loyalty to employee, and tipping intention.” 

Baker also had her article “I earn it, but they just get it: Loyalty program customer reactions to unearned preferential treatment in the social servicescape” published in the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly.

Graham Gal had two journal publications: "Budget Preparers Perceptions and Performance Based Budgeting Implementation: The Case of Iranian Public Universities and Research Institutes" in the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management; and “The Influence of a Good Relationship between the Internal Audit and Information Security Functions on Information Security Outcomes” in Accounting, Organizations, and Society. 

Gal also presented at 3 conferences:  

  • Accounting Blockchain Coalition symposium at the Microsoft Center NYC: “Audit Issues in Blockchains”
  • The BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of InfoTech, 2019, Nanjing, China: “Developing a Conceptual Foundation for Collaboration Space”
  • Value Management and Business Ontology (VMBO) workshop at Stockholm University: “The Metaphysics of Internal Controls”

Emily Heaphy had her article, “To Become Your Best Self, Study Your Successes,” published in the Harvard Business Review.

Heaphy also presented “Dancing on Hot Coals: How Emotion Work Facilitates Collective Sensemaking” at the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organization in Boston.  

Joanna Lin had her paper, “My coworkers are treated more fairly than me! A self-regulatory perspective on justice social comparisons,” accepted by the Academy of Management Journal. 

Yoon Ju Kang has a forthcoming publication, “Are Audit Committees More Challenging Given a Specific Investor Base? Does the Answer Change in the Presence of Prospective Critical Audit Matter Disclosures?” in Accounting, Organizations and Society. 

Matthew Katz had a manuscript entitled, “Team Identity, Supporter Identity, and Fan Relationships: A Brand Community Network Analysis of a Soccer Supports Club,” accepted in the Journal of Sport Management.

Emily Ma was invited as a panel discussion member on “Publishing in Top-tier Journals” at the 2019 Advances in Hospitality Marketing and Management Conference in Portsmouth, UK.

Wenting Ma had her paper, “Market Power, Finance Wages and Inequality,” featured in Harvard Business Review

Charles Manz published his book, Self-Leadership: The Definitive Guide to Personal Excellence, 2nd Ed.

Manz also had several articles published recently, including:

  • Stewart G.L., Courtright, S.H. & Manz, C.C. (2019) “Self-Leadership: A Paradoxical Core of Organizational Behavior,” the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 47–67. 
  • Jiang, X.; Sen, X.; Houghton, J., and Manz, C.C. (Forthcoming) “Shades of Grey in Implicit Leadership: Searching for Clarity in the Midst of Paradox,” Leadership
  • Skaggs, B.C. Manz, C.C. Lyle. M.C.B. and Pearce, C.L. (2018) “On the Folly of Punishing A While Hoping for A: Exploring Punishment in Organizations,” Journal of Organizational Behavior; 39, 812–815 . 
  • Flores, H.R., Jiang, X., and Manz, C.C. (2018) “Intra-team Conflict: The Moderating Effect of Emotional Self-Leadership,” International Journal of Conflict Management, 29, 424-444. 
  • Manz, K,P. and Manz, C.C. (2018) “Looking for Virtue in Employee Owned Enterprise Values,” Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion, 15, 283-284.    
  • Roche, O., Freundlich, F., Shipper, F., & Manz, C. C. (2018) “Mondragon’s Amorphous Cloud Structure: Making the whole truly greater than the sum of its parts,” Organizational Dynamics, 47, 155-164.

Manz has also presented at several recent conferences:

  • Dillon, P.J., Walsh, I., and Manz, C.C. “Mean Girls: How Social Creativity in CSR Enhances Organizational Identification,” to be presented as part of the symposium Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Employees, at the Academy of Management National Conference, Boston, August, 2019.
  • Manz, C.C., and Pearce, C.L. "Twisted Leadership," keynote presentation, Antwerp Management School Leadership Gathering, October, 2018.
  • Pearce, C.L., and Manz, C.C. "Twisted Teams," Master Class for C-Level Executives, Antwerp Management School Leadership Gathering, October, 2018.

Manz had his article [written with Pearce, C.L.], “The Leadership Disease and its Potential Cures,” from Business Horizons, 2014, 57, 215-224, adopted by Harvard Business School Publishing as a case publication. 

Mark McDonald had his article [written with Cocieru, Ovidiu C., Lyle, Matthew CB, and Hindman, Lauren C.] (2019), “The ‘Dark Side’ of Psychological Ownership during Times of Change,” published in the Journal of Change Management. 

Elizabeth Miller & George Milne had 2 papers accepted: “Quantification of Self in Third-Party-Administered Wellness Programs: The impact of perceived self-empowerment,” Journal of Consumer Affairs; and “Social media services branding: The use of corporate brand names,” Journal of Business Research. 

Elizabeth Miller & Janet Fink had their paper accepted: “Consumer evaluations of CSR authenticity: Development and validation of a multi-dimensional CSR authenticity scale,” Journal of Business Research. 

Millers’ paper, “When does creativity matter: The impact of consumption motive and claim set-size,” was accepted at the Journal of Consumer Marketing.

Tom Moliterno published in the Journal of Management Inquiry: “Dialogue as Renounced Aggression: JMI and the Case of AOM’s President’s Response to EO13769” [written with Stackman, R.W, de Holan, P.M., Argyres, N., Cabral, S., Moliterno, T.P., Stoner, J., Walsh, J.P.]. 

Moliterno also published in Strategic Organization: Reflections on the Micro-Macro Divide:  Ideas from the Trenches and Moving Forward” [written with Eckardt, R., Crocker, A., Ahn, Y., Floyd, S.W., Boyd, B.K., Hodgkinson, G.P., Kozlowski, S.W.J., Moliterno, T.P., & Starbuck, W.H.].

Anna Nagurney delivered the plenary talk, "Tariffs and Quotas in Global Trade: What Networks, Game Theory, and Variational Inequalities Reveal," at the 6th World Congress on Global Optimization on July 8 in Metz, France in the Constantin Caratheodory Prize session. The talk was based on a series of papers, some of which were co-authored by Isenberg doctoral student Deniz Besik in the European Journal of Operational Research and the Journal of Global Optimization.

Nagurney and Isenberg doctoral student Deniz Besiks’ paper, "Strict Quotas or Tariffs? Implications for Product Quality and Consumer Welfare in Differentiated Product Supply Chains," has been accepted for publication in Transportation Research E

David Piercey has become became an Editor at Accounting, Organizations and Society, a “top 5”/“A” accounting journal.

Piercey and Yoon Ju Kang have a forthcoming publication in a “top 5”/“A” accounting journal [written with A. Trotman] (in press): “Does an Audit Judgment Rule Increase or Decrease Auditors’ Use of Innovative Audit Procedures? Contemporary Accounting Research. 

Muzzo Uysal was a keynote speaker at the 2019 Pan Asia International Tourism Conference (PAITOC 2019) in July. Uysal also had an article published in the Annals of Tourism Research entitled “Quality-of-Life Indicators as Performance Measures in Tourism and Hospitality.” 

Uysal’s recently edited books include:

  • Uysal, M., Sirgy, J., & Kruger, S.  (Eds) (2018). Managing Quality of Life in Tourism and Hospitality. CABI Publishing, UK.
  • Prebensen, N., Chen, J. and Uysal, M. (Eds) (2018). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. CABI Publishing, UK. 2nd Edition. 

Nefertiti Walker’s paper, “Sexism in Professional Sports: How Women Managers Experience and Survive Sport Organizational Culture,” was put in press at the Journal of Sport Management. DOI: 



The Accounting Department hosted the 25th International Symposium on Audit Research this past June in Boston. This is the inaugural hosting year for Isenberg and UMass, which will now be one of the four “host schools” for the conference/symposium, hosting every four to five years.