Recently many of you may have received an email similar to the one below. It is important that if you received this e-mail you should still follow the instructions on all of your other devices EXCEPT

Recently many of you may have received an email similar to the one below. It is important that if you received this e-mail you should still follow the instructions on all of your other devices EXCEPT YOUR ISENBERG MANAGED COMPUTER.

The procedure to update your managed machine is different.

To properly update your ISENBERG MANAGED COMPUTER please follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to windows on your managed machine
  2. Click the wireless icon in the bottom right corner (must be unplugged from Ethernet/docks first)
  3. Select network “eduroam” and click Connect
  4. When prompted, input:
    1. Username: [net id]
    2. Password: your [net id] password
  5. Click connect.

You should now be properly connected to the wireless network. You should still follow the instructions from IT below for any computers/phones/tablets that ARE NOT managed by Isenberg to avoid a lapse in connection at other locations.

Subject: Final Reminder: Reconfigure Your Device(s) To Use eduroam Wireless Properly

From: Abdul Wajid Choudhry
Director, IT User Services
Information Technology
University of Massachusetts

You are receiving this email because you have one or more devices (e.g., cell phone, laptop) that are not properly configured to connect to the eduroam wireless network. Even though your device is able to connect to the UMass Amherst network at this time, your settings will prevent your devices from connecting to eduroam at other institutions in the commonwealth, the U.S, and the world. Your device will also stop connecting to the UMass Amherst network tomorrow (1/5/16) unless you take steps to change your configuration.


Simply run the XpressConnect wizard ( on all your devices today. This will ensure that your devices can connect to any of the eduroam partner institutions.

In order to connect to wireless at another eduroam institution, the saved username on your device must be in the format (not just your NetID). Using XpressConnect will configure your devices correctly.

For more information on eduroam configuration settings, please see:

Please run XpressConnect today. After January 5, 2016, connecting to eduroam wireless at UMass Amherst will also require the username to be in the format. This will ensure that you have a consistent roaming experience among our eduroam partner institutions.

Thank you,