I’m so pleased to be sharing this report with you, moving forward from the past year and a half of disrupted routines and structures into a fresh academic term that will see lots of students on campus again. Despite how happy we are to say goodbye to pandemic restrictions, I can assure you that these months have not been wasted. Our brilliant and talented faculty and staff adapted immediately to remote working and teaching in the spring of 2020. We drew on Isenberg’s long experience offering the acclaimed Online MBA program to ensure that all instructors had the tools they needed to reach students around the globe. And although we very much missed sending our 2020 and 2021 bachelor’s graduates off with an in-person Isenberg Senior Celebration, we feel confident that they entered the workforce fully prepared to face challenges ranging from tricky spreadsheet formulas to massive market disruptions like the one we’ve been facing.
In this report, you’ll read about a brand-new career services portal, innovative new graduate programs, faculty research awards and honors, and numerous exceptional Isenberg students and graduates.
I hope you enjoy reading it and please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or comments!