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Study Abroad Resources and Events (for Isenberg BBA, BS and Exploratory Track majors) Hello Isenberg majors!  Do you want to study abroad?  We are here to help make it happen.  Study

Study Abroad Resources and Events (for Isenberg BBA, BS and Exploratory Track majors)

Hello Isenberg majors!  Do you want to study abroad?  We are here to help make it happen. 

Study abroad is a collaborative process with the UMass International Programs Office (IPO) and your academic advisors. Isenberg Study Abroad appointments cover the academic aspects of your study abroad experience. UMass Abroad advising covers everything else.  Within Isenberg, we offer a variety of resources, events and appointments to help you through the process.

Please read the following information carefully before making a study abroad appointment with an Isenberg academic advisor.  Our appointment types are detailed below.


Isenberg Step 1:   Study Abroad Basics Workshop

This Zoom info session covers all the Isenberg basics to get the process started.  Learn when to go, what courses to take (or not take) abroad, how credits transfer back to UMass, and how to stay on track with graduation requirements. This virtual meeting (hosted by an Isenberg Academic Advisor) covers the most FAQs for Isenberg students!

Remember: it is never too early to start planning. First year students are encouraged to attend!

Fall Dates (1 hr. session includes time for Q&A): 

  • Coming soon! (Check back at the beginning of the semester for days/times)

To join, follow the URL: 
(You will need to sign into Zoom with your UMass Net ID and password).

Questions? Contact Susan Carey:

Isenberg Step 2: Study Abroad Advanced Planning (optional: as needed) 

This 30-minute appointment is for advanced stages of abroad planning. If you need a more in-depth discussion after attending the Isenberg ‘Study Abroad Basics’ workshop (i.e. remaining requirements, graduation, multiple degrees/certificates, etc.), this appointment is for you. You should attend an Isenberg Study Abroad Basics' info session PRIOR to this appointment and be familiar with Isenberg Study Abroad Policies.

Book anISOM-Next Semester Plan” appointment in NavigateWhen you book the appointment, please leave a note for the advisor that you'd like to discuss advanced planning for study abroad.

Isenberg Step 3:   ICAF Signature

These are quick, 15-minute academic appointments for students who are prepared to have their International Course Approval (ICAF) signed by an Isenberg academic advisor.   You will be invited to make an ICAF appointment once you have been conditionally accepted to study abroad by the UMass Ed Abroad Office.

To prepare for your ICAF meeting, please email the following to your Isenberg academic advisor (at least one day in advance):

  • An ICAF with the top section completed (Name, ID, Term, Program Name and Location, etc.)  
    • The ICAF is in your Academic Policies and Course Approval form on your UMass Abroad portal.
    • Save your ICAF using the below format:
      • Name (first/last)
      • ICAF
      • Abroad Term
      • EX: John Smith ICAF SP24
  • A list of courses that you hope to enroll in while abroad (include a few extra courses as backup options)
  • Course descriptions or syllabi
  • You may find it useful when planning to review Isenberg’s list of previously approved programs and course equivalencies.

Remember, you will be invited to schedule an ICAF appointment in Navigate once you have been conditionally accepted to study abroad by UMass.

For study abroad questions (i.e. finances, choosing a program, applying to a program, etc.), please refer to UMass IPO’s Steps to Study Abroad, visit the UMass Abroad Advising Center, or email


Quick Links for Isenberg Students:

Steps to Study Abroad (IPO)

Isenberg Study Abroad Policies

Isenberg’s Sample Abroad Programs and Equivalencies

UMass Abroad Portal  (IPO)

Isenberg Study Abroad Basics

Isenberg Curriculum Plans (by major)

UMass Abroad Dates and Deadlines  (IPO)

UMass Abroad Events Calendar (IPO)

Costs and Financial Information (IPO)

Business Minor Students:

There are many excellent opportunities to study abroad for our business minors!  With prior approval, up to two of the required courses may be transferred in from another institution. 

Please submit a completed ICAF with course descriptions to Bridget McMahon for review:

Note:  At least three of the five required minor courses must be completed through the Isenberg School of Management (either on-campus or the University Without Walls). See the Study Abroad for Business Minors Guide and the Study Abroad Planning Resource for more information.