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The undergraduate Certificate in Real Estate provides undergraduate students in the Isenberg School of Management with an increased opportunity to study and become involved with commercial real estate and real estate entrepreneurship. The certificate helps prepare students for careers such as real estate financial analyst, investor, acquisitions analyst, sales agent, or lending professional.

The three-course sequence includes issuance of the Massachusetts pre-licensure educational credits needed for a student to test for a Salesperson license if interested. A student completing the certificate will have proficiency in conducting a full financial analysis and market study of commercial real estate properties using excel and Argus Enterprise software. Proficiency in Argus is a requirement for most professional positions in commercial real estate and is the industry standard. The program also provides deep Excel case-based modelling across pro-forma forecasting, discounted cash flow, optimizing debt/equity, and structuring transactions between general and limited partners. 

For specific Real Estate Certificate requirements, please see the curriculum plan.