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Trista Hevey

Executive Director, Graduate Employer Relations & Outreach

As Executive Director of Graduate Employer Relations & Outreach, Trista is concentrated on strategic efforts to advance employer engagement and career services across masters programs at Isenberg.

As Executive Director of Graduate Employer Relations & Outreach, Trista is concentrated on strategic efforts to advance employer engagement and career services across masters programs at Isenberg. Responsible for corporate partnerships and student career development opportunities that result in industry exploration and advancement. Trista’s overall goal is to set students up for career growth and successful outcomes during and upon completion of their studies. Trista has been with Isenberg for 12 years working in areas of business development, alumni relations, and corporate recruitment. She has earned a dual-degree BA in Computer Information Technology & Media Management from Elms College and MBA from Isenberg, UMass Amherst.

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