Jennifer Kish-Gephart
Associate Professor of Organization Studies
Academic Appointments
Recent Honors / Awards
Research Interests
Teaching Interests
- Behavioral Ethics
- Organizational Behavior
Selected Publications
Den Nieuwenboer, N., Kish-Gephart, J.J., & Treviño, L.K, Peng, A. & Reychav, I. 2022. The Dark Side of Status at Work: Perceived Status Importance, Envy, and Interpersonal Deviance. In Press at Business Ethics Quarterly
Kish-Gephart, J.J., Moergen, K., Tilton, J. & Gray, B. 2022. Social Class and Work: A Review and Organizing Framework. In Press at the Journal of Management.
Lee, M.K., Kish-Gephart J.J., Mizruchi, M.S., Palmer, D.A., & Useem, M. 2021. Social Class in Organizations: Entrance, Promotion, and Organizational and Societal Consequences of the Corporate Elite. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(4), 385-394.
Gray, B., Johnson, T., Kish-Gephart, J.J., & Tilton, J. 2018. Identity work by first-generation college students to counteract class-based microaggressions. Organization Studies (Special Issue on Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations), 39(9), 1227-1250.
Kish-Gephart, J.J. & Campbell, J.T. 2015. You don’t forget your roots: The influence of CEO social class background on strategic risk taking. Academy of Management Journal, 58(6), 1614-1636.
Gray, B. & Kish-Gephart, J.J. 2013. Encountering Social Class Differences at Work: How “Class Work” Perpetuates Inequality. Academy of Management Review, 38(4), 670-699. †Finalist for the 2013 Academy of Management Review Best Paper of the Year Award
Kish-Gephart, J.J., Harrison, D. A., & Treviño, L. K. 2010. Bad Apples, Bad Cases, and Bad Barrels: Meta-Analytic Evidence about Sources of Unethical Decisions at Work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(1), 1-31.
Kish-Gephart, J.J., Detert, J., Treviño, L.K., & Edmondson, A. 2009. Silenced by Fear: The Nature, Sources, and Consequences of Fear at Work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 29, 163-194.