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Jennifer Kish-Gephart

Associate Professor of Organization Studies



PhD in Organizational Behavior and Behavioral Ethics, Penn State University
MBA, Drexel University
BS in Accounting, Drexel University

Academic Appointments

Associate Professor of Organization Studies (with tenure), Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2021-Present
Associate Professor of Management (with tenure), University of Arkansas, 2016-2020
Assistant Professor of Management, University of Arkansas, 2006-2010

Recent Honors / Awards

Faculty Excellence in Service Award, Walton College of Business, 2019
Finalist for the 2013 Academy of Management Review Best Paper of the Year Award, 2014

Research Interests

Social Class
Behavioral Ethics
Organizational Behavior

Teaching Interests

  • Behavioral Ethics
  • Organizational Behavior

Selected Publications

Den Nieuwenboer, N., Kish-Gephart, J.J., & Treviño, L.K, Peng, A. & Reychav, I. 2022. The Dark Side of Status at Work: Perceived Status Importance, Envy, and Interpersonal Deviance. In Press at Business Ethics Quarterly

Kish-Gephart, J.J., Moergen, K., Tilton, J. & Gray, B. 2022. Social Class and Work: A Review and Organizing Framework. In Press at the Journal of Management.

Lee, M.K., Kish-Gephart J.J., Mizruchi, M.S., Palmer, D.A., & Useem, M. 2021. Social Class in Organizations: Entrance, Promotion, and Organizational and Societal Consequences of the Corporate Elite. Journal of Management Inquiry, 30(4), 385-394.

Gray, B., Johnson, T., Kish-Gephart, J.J., & Tilton, J. 2018. Identity work by first-generation college students to counteract class-based microaggressions. Organization Studies (Special Issue on Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations), 39(9), 1227-1250.

Kish-Gephart, J.J. & Campbell, J.T. 2015. You don’t forget your roots: The influence of CEO social class background on strategic risk taking. Academy of Management Journal, 58(6), 1614-1636.

Gray, B. & Kish-Gephart, J.J. 2013. Encountering Social Class Differences at Work: How “Class Work” Perpetuates Inequality. Academy of Management Review, 38(4), 670-699. †Finalist for the 2013 Academy of Management Review Best Paper of the Year Award

Kish-Gephart, J.J., Harrison, D. A., & Treviño, L. K. 2010. Bad Apples, Bad Cases, and Bad Barrels: Meta-Analytic Evidence about Sources of Unethical Decisions at Work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(1), 1-31.

Kish-Gephart, J.J., Detert, J., Treviño, L.K., & Edmondson, A. 2009. Silenced by Fear: The Nature, Sources, and Consequences of Fear at Work. Research in Organizational Behavior, 29, 163-194.